Why diabetics urinate more frequently

The body of living organisms works to achieve a balanced state of its constituents so as to keep majority of the organs functioning normally. In the quest of the human system to achieve homeostasis, there is a regulation of the amount of substances that enters and leaves the body such as fluid balance and temperature regulation.

Glucose is an important source of energy for cellular consumption in the body. It is a monosaccharide derived from the breakdown of carbohydrates which is readily available for absorption by cells to provide energy.

People with diabetes have problem with their glucose regulation in the blood as they face lack of insulin or insufficient amount of insulin to cause cells to take up glucose. When the level of insulin becomes excess in the blood, it puts a stress on the kidney’s ability to reabsorb insulin into the blood and hence force the excretion of glucose in urine. The excess glucose in urine pulls fluids from other tissues along with into the bladder.

This movement of fluid along with the excess glucose causes the body of the individual causes increased volume output, polyuria. Movement of fluid with glucose also causes dehydration which stimulates the thirst mechanism for more water intake.

As there is still excess glucose in the blood, the cycle of excretion of glucose in the blood continues, polyuria occurs and the individual becomes thirsty regularly.

The regulation of normal blood glucose by the administration of drugs that mimic the function of insulin is required to treat polyuria in diabetes.

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